Achur Mall

Basra, Iraq – 2018

Scope of work

  • Architecure

Three Conceptual Design Proposals were presented for the Achur Mall. The main idea behind all of the proposals was to maximize the footprint of the building, since the developer wants to utilize the land to fullest based on flexibility and capacity of the shopping center on the Ground floor and the offices spaces on the Upper floors. All spaces were explored to the extent for the best use out of limited allowable building area, divide the circulation and entrance of the Mall vs. Office Building, maintaining a transparent gallery at the street level, and engaging in an honest and involved introverted identity of the context.

A private investor looking to open a new shopping center and office building


  • Commercial


lot size

  • 3000 sqm

built-up area

  • 6000 sqm


  • G+2
  • 4500 sqm shopping center
  • 1500 sqm office and clinique floor

The open interior ground floor, connecting interrelated spaces, displays the diversity of commercial zones with a centralized plan layout, that makes the visitor circulate in a directional manner to maximize retail shops exposure and accessibility.
An eye catching feature of high ceiling void, creates a unique diffusion of light through the space, and exposes the main gallery to any street pedestrian in the area, as well.
The design intent is to utilize natural ventilation and light in an Eco-friendly and sustainable manner which is critical in the local climate and also to provide enough shading and maintain cool temperatures inside the shopping center.
As a result, this mall is significantly shaped by local context, climate, and user behavior, resulting in the pragmatic modern architecture.